Why did Winnie miss out?

A few people have commented that Winnie Laban was hard done by, remaining a Minister outside Cabinet while leapfrogs her to go straight into Cabinet.

Laban is a very gracious, well liked MP and Minister.  Never going to be a front bencher but does her duties diligently and well.

Tapu Misa writes:

Is it time the Pacific Island community took another look at its devotion to Labour? After last week's Cabinet reshuffle, even the faithful are beginning to wonder whether it's time to spread the love around.

Laban is passionate about the portfolio, but she'll have to work hard to make an impact from outside Cabinet. And the that Clark promoted others over her head doesn't bode well.

The next day another group of Pacific leaders made their displeasure known to 's Richard Pamatatau. Labour had deceived Pacific voters, the very voters whose loyalty had won them the election in 2005, said youth leader Efeso Collins. Dr Sitaleki Finau, Pasifika director at Massey University, said Labour had shown what it really thinks of Pacific people. Putting the portfolio outside Cabinet would marginalise any policy and strategy work for Pacific people, he said. Labour had forgotten that Pacific people helped them squeeze home in 2005.

The win-win would have been to put Laban into Cabinet and make Steve Chadwick a Minister outside Cabinet.  Maybe Clark judged that Woman's Affairs portfolio has to be in Cabinet but Pacific Island Affairs does not?

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