Written By:
James Henderson - Date published:
7:48 am, November 8th, 2012 - 18 comments
Categories: Economy -
The deficit so far this year is half a billion dollars worse than expected in the first 3 months of this fiscal year. But English says don’t worry – he’s going to make the 2014/15 surplus, and he doesn’t care what he cuts. Meanwhile, the new Reserve Bank Governor says that borrowing is out of control and the dollar is too high – but he won’t do anything about it. Neoliberal dinosaurs both.
This week there were two pieces of economic news showing a dramatic improvement credit for which should be given to the last Labour Government.
The Reserve Bank just cut the OCR to a historic low of 2%. And no it's not good (economic) news.
It has emerged that Health NZ attempted to include hundreds of millions of dollars in redundancies and holiday pay remediation chargeable this year in last year's Health accounts and this would have made the current deficit smaller but last year's deficit larger.
Its a $200B economy. $50B worth of activity a quarter.
A $500M deficit is only 1% of this. Increase taxes on asset wealth, high incomes and company super-profits slightly and the problem goes away. Increase a bit more than that and respend into the economy, and we’ll get jobs and economic growth.
(And increased consumption/energy use so are you really sure you want to do that)
What you speak of is madness, MADNESS I tell you! The Job Creators of this world should not be burdened such no matter the mewling of starving urchins and the keening cries of their undeserving mothers… A good lash of the whip is all THEY understand!
Those fat lazy narcissistic money hoarders who have got all the perks tax cuts and astronomical pay rises are supposed to be creating jobs ,no they are squandering that money on luxury consumer gods imported from over seas looking down their noses at the plebs in their overpriced SUV’s!
when their not doing that they are travelling overseas!
Come on you fat lazy capitalist pigs get off those fat lazy indulgent arse’s and create some jobs!
You lot have had all the running promised that getting tax cuts and big pay rises no CGT would grow the economy 4 years later 150,000 gone to Australia more unemployment than ever govt books continue to get worse! More borrowing from the double dipstick more runny batshit from Buysexual PM!
Come on Shonkey Where the fuck is this brighter future!
His is secure, if you haven’t got one, well, that’s due to your poor choices and not the fact that the rich have all the wealth.
You got me maybe if we had a credible opposition party???
Good stuff guys….reducing the high marginal tax rates since the 80s has simply meant less tax and more deficits…and why were the 60s such a period of high growth rates when marginal tax rates were so much higher?
Maybe Greece the classic example. The crooks at the top are evading tax big time, while those at the bottom are getting it in the neck. Meantime the neo fascists are thriving on the social discontent…a reply of the 1920s and 1930s?
Thanks for that rosa…. i’ve been thinking exactly the same thing for years now….. The similarities extend right across the spectrum to the thirties…..
The question i would ask is, are we going to cap it off with another massive confrontation again? WW2 was made possible by short sighted policies driven by small minded politicians pandering to the lowest common denominator….. sound familiar?
Now it’s English who ‘feels comfortable’ about our political and financial problems. When will events break through NACTS comfort zone?
The tories have always been famous for being unrealistically optimistic in their outlook, until it suddenly isn’t “right”…. that’s when labour gets into power….
That then allows them to blame someone else for their incompetence, and get back to being unrealistically optimistic about their competence again….
Doesn’t say much for the fools who keep voting for them….
Bill English couldn’t run a piss-up in a brewery.
He owes Christchurch ratepayers his share of the earthquake rebuild. He is not paying his bills and we are having to pick up the tab. Bill English’s government is tardy in paying.
Slack bastard. Or incompetent.
That’s a bit of a, and a bit of b mixed together to make a cocktail known as a “lazy bill”… it has an underwhelming bouquet, and leaves a bitter aftertaste…
Or, to take another tack…. maybe bill is just feeling as helpless as the rest of us to stop the trainwreck that his owners are inflicting on us……The “government” he is part of being no more than a row of hand puppets who’s job it is to keep us distracted long enough to get away with the loot…..
C’mon you guys are SO anti-aspirational
but Tracey…….he never said “aspirational”. He said “sprayshnull (goan forwid)”
It wasn’t aspirational it was nascinalwillspraybatshitonyouall
They still live on the textbook economics and models that are already well out of date, it is what happens when you get all your economic ideas from a fax sent by the University of Chicago (though to be fair the Chicago boys weren’t purely their product, as that was funded by the Ford Foundation). They still don’t realize that there is more than one economic school in the world.